Susan said a substitute judge went ahead and started the hearing. Mark's public defender was the first to talk. She requested that Mark's phone privileges be reinstated so he could be moved from solitary to general population in the jail. She gave the expected speech of how Mark has been a model inmate and does not pose a threat.
Next, it was the states attorney, Jenica's turn. Susan said that Jenica gave a little background of how Mark terrorized me and the guys at my work.
But, then Jenica hit play on the CD player:
Sunday, March 3rd, 2013 @ 9:54 PM -Left Message on Petitioner's Overtime Service
>> Recording Link <<
[audible music playing in background] "Yo FUCKERS. I've got tomorrow off, So I’m coming down there to kill everyone, [audible crazy laughter]. And, I’m going to rape ya, I’m going to cut your fucking hearts out, and monkeys will eat your fucking brains. But, after the building burns down…
You know, I've often thought about dying. And, I thought that burning would be the worst. So, let me know how that feels. No no, you can’t cause, you know maybe one will survive I don’t know. Maybe I’ll come down and rescue y’all. That’s my job right, I’m the owner, You are all fucking pricks though, I’ll tell you that. Fucking back stabbing whores. So now you've got to work. Jamie is the CEO. Chris is the CFO. I’m of course the owner.
And, I think I’ll blast all of your brains out in the morning. And, then set the building on fire. So that, you know, when you are hangin' on to fucking life and the fire comes down, you’ll know what it feels like to get shot and burned to fucking death.
[audible] I’m about to check on them you want [inaudible]
Ya, I’ll be down tomorrow morning, I’ll be the one … you know, with the big ass smile on my face, I’m a multimillionaire."
[audible computer voice message] message recorded on March 3 at 9:54 PM. This is an urgent message, this is a private message
[recording ends]
Susan said the courtroom was quiet. The judge was quiet too. Susan said the judge was noticeably shaken. Jenica had more recordings, but the judge stopped her. The judge said that he was rescheduling the hearing for Monday, December 16th, so that Judge Rapp could rule on the hearing. Susan said it was very apparent the judge wanted to have nothing to do with making any decisions on Mark's case.
I didn't go to the hearing today. I won't be attending on Monday. I feel it is in my mental well being not to be anywhere near him unless I absolutely have to, or it is relevant to help my case.
So, Monday all of this will start over again. Hopefully the trial date will be rescheduled for very soon. I need closure.
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