Thursday, November 22, 2012

3. (Not Such A) Happy Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving 2012  has been pretty much the most depressing Thanksgiving of my life. If it were not for my children and Matthew I would have just stayed home.  

Mark is completely manic these days.  Where he used fall asleep on the couch before 9 PM, now many nights he doesn't go to bed until after 2AM if he goes to sleep at all. Some days he is awake for 48 hours straight.  This is after drinking 18-24 beers, smoking pot, taking 2-4 Xanax and downing 2-4 Excedrin PMs.

Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2012

The actual Thanksgiving day went pretty much OK, that is up until the end.  By the end of the day, Mark was very perturbed as his son Ryan never showed up and had promised to. I am not sure why he didn't.  However, this really isn't surprising as many times he hasn't called on our birthday (we have the same birthday), and rarely calls on Father's day. Never on Mother's day.  

By the end of the day, Mark was upset and was ready to leave, but Kristin and I were still cleaning up.  Mark became increasingly agitated and was pacing in and out of the kitchen. Ready to leave yet??  Then as we were splitting up the food (to go) he reached in and grabbed some ham off of the plate we had portioned.  Although this was not a huge deal, it was annoying and much what an 8 year old would do. And like a mother scolding an 8 year old, Kristin said, Stop it dad!  He wasn't happy about that at all.  

Everything spiraled down from there.  We finally did leave and when we did, Kristin put the 'stuff' in his trunk. When she tried to shut the trunk it shut quickly and slammed. Now he was even more angry.  He insisted she did this on purpose and yelled at her.  She went in the house and I followed her. She was crying.  Matthew ran up. What's wrong mommy?  I took the que to leave.  Driving home was miserable.

After we got home, he ran to Facebook and posted some terrible things on Ryan's wall.  He also posted this on Kristin's Facebook:

The 'enabler' in me wanted to immediately log in as him and delete it.  But, Paula came on FB chat and I told her what happened. I told her what I wanted to do, but felt I shouldn't. If he wanted to delete it, he should be the one to do it.  I told him that he needed to realize that not only could all of my family see that post, but so all of her friends.  He didn't seem to care.  Later in the evening he did finally ask me to go delete it. I told him if he wanted it gone he needed to do it.

I spoke a long time in chat with Paula.  She really wants me to come to Las Vegas to stay with them for a month, just to get away.  I just don't know how I can do that and leave our company and all of my pets. I have to figure out what to do.

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