I mentioned earlier today that today is Kristin's usual day to visit Mark. Today was no different. She went to see Mark when I was packing to move home.
Chris had told me that he felt it was the right thing to do when I decided to move out. He wasn't saying it out of malice. He felt that if I were to continue to stay under these circumstances there was a possibility Kristin's and my relationship could be destroyed because of Mark.
What was different about today was that Chris had a long talk with Kristin before she went to see Mark. I had previously told you that Kristin refused to listen to the recordings of Mark. She ignored his horrific Facebook posts. I wasn't allowed to talk about him. It seemed today Chris had enough.
Chris has never 'told Kristin what to do', but he decided he would let his feelings be known. Chris basically explained to Kristin that she needed to understand that there would never be any circumstances that Matthew (my grandson) could ever be around Mark again. He said, "As far as I am concerned, Matthew only has one grandfather and he is in Australia." He further let her know that Matthew would never be allowed to see Mark in jail, so please don't ask.
Towards the end of their conversation, right before Kristin left to go see Mark, Chris told her about Rocky (our cat). He had never told her about this before. He explained that Mark had admitted to 'getting rid of Rocky' to him and Joe at the shop.
Mark hated Rocky because sometimes he "sprayed" in the house. I would always clean up any mess he made (and it wasn't often). Mark saw the hurricane of 2005 a good excuse to get rid of him. The day before the hurricane Rocky disappeared. Kristin and I spent weeks looking for him. And, all of the time we looked, Mark knew we would never find him.
Kristin went to the jail to see Mark. While she was there Mark told her a few things like he wants to come back to work at All-Safe. He wants to move back to the house. Mark told her he knew I had purchased a gun.
After about a half hour of talking Kristin finally confronted Mark. She said, "Daddy, you had told Chris and Joe at the shop that you got rid of Rocky back in 2005. Is that true?" Mark sat there for a few minutes without saying anything. Then he answered, "Which cat was that?"
Now, any normal person that wasn't guilty would have answered, "What on EARTH are you talking about?" Or, even for someone like Mark he might have said, "Gosh, we were joking about some stuff, I wasn't serious!" But, Mark didn't say anything like that. He acted like he couldn't remember our cat. It seemed as though he was saying, "I don't remember which cat I got rid of."
Kristin burst out into tears and left the jail. She called me crying from the car and asked if she and Matthew could come over. I wasn't home though. Megan and I had run to Target to get a few items for the house. I told her to come on over about 3 PM and everyone could go swimming.
She and Matthew were already at the house before we got home. We had a wonderful afternoon. I know Kristin needed to be with us as her heart was hurting after seeing Mark, as well as the revelation that Chris was right.
I can't say if Kristin will go to see Mark again. If she does it will be with her eyes wide open. She now knows a little more about his true self.
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