Yesterday, I printed Jenica's email to me right before I was leaving for the mediation. I tossed the email up on the counter. Next, I announced to the guys they should read it. I put it there specifically for Joe's benefit.
This morning I had a dentist appointment to have my crown put on. It seems while I was at my appointment Chris and Pat had a long talk with Joe about the hearing.
In a nutshell, both Chris and Pat told Joe that "if Mark Walter is released on bail then only you and he will be working at All-Safe. We will be quitting immediately." Joe was a bit startled and told them that he wouldn't stay at All-Safe with Mark. So, they told him that if he didn't want Mark out he had better plan to go on Tuesday. He decided to go.
I am glad all three of the guys will be there. It will make a difference to have a group there instead of just me.
Friday afternoons are usually very slow, or totally slammed. There usually isn't an in between. Today it was very quite Friday afternoon. The guys had finished all of the calls scheduled for the day.
Chris and Joe were playing army games. I had finished most of my work. I talked to Chris and asked if he thought it would be OK if Pat and I ran out to my house to have the new doors hung. These are the replacement doors for the ones that Claude broke. Since there is a possibility that Mark could get out on Tuesday I didn't want to be waiting until the last second to get them fixed. Chris told us to go on. Pat finished hanging them within one hour. It is a relief.
I have no plans for tomorrow. So, I'll probably start packing again. I need to have everything ready in case I have to exit our home quickly if Mark gets out on Tuesday.
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