Friday, May 24, 2013

116. Mark Still Blames Me For Everything

I brought our home safe in to work today.  The dial is an electronic lock.  Mark had changed the combination so I couldn't get in.  I was quite sure there was nothing really in there, but decided I needed to check.

The guys said there was no way to open it without drilling it open.  What luck, we are a locksmith company.  So, Megan helped me put it in my car and I brought it in.

We decided to try every single combo we could before drilling: birthdays, anniversaries, etc.  We must have had 30 different codes to try.  The lock "locks you out" after 3 tries for 10 minutes.  The guys suggested I call Len and see if he had the combination.   If you remember, Mark had told Len how to break into our house the day after he was arrested.  The guys figured that maybe he gave Len the combination too.

I didn't want to call him.  He had preached at me in March about how I needed to try to help Mark.  I needed to save our 18 year marriage. I decided to call Len against my better judgement.

Len answered the phone.  He knew who I was right away.  I asked him how Jet was doing.  He said, "Jet's doing terrific.  My oldest son is completely in love with him.  He stays in our shop with us all day long."  It seems Jet also stays in the shop at night alone from what I gathered through the rest of the conversation.  I don't like that, but it isn't my place to tell him what to do.  That's between him and Mark.

Next, I asked Len about the combination.  He was quick to let me know he had no idea what it was.  He changed the subject.  He said, "You know Mark still owes me $3,000 for this car I fixed. His attorney took the title.  I know I took 2 of his guns as a down payment for his balance, but I don't want these guns.  They are not the type I like. If I don't get payment I'll have to file a lien or something."

I sat there for a moment thinking about what to say.  The old Diana would have done everything to protect Mark.  I would have jumped to figure out how to deal with this debt.  Instead I said, "Well, Len. I suppose that's something you need to discuss with Mark.  I don't handle his bills anymore."

I decided to throw in a little kicker too.  I said, "Jet is a purebred lab puppy and cost us $500. Since your family likes Jet so much, perhaps you can let Mark know you plan to keep him and deduct that off of his bill."  Len didn't say anything.

Then Len told me he had talked to Mark the Thursday before Monday's bond hearing.  He said, "Mark asked me to pick him up on Monday after he was released.  He was positive he was going to be released."  He said he told Mark to let him know if he was and he would see what he could do.  But, he told me he honestly didn't believe he'd be released.  And, he wasn't.

Len also told me that during his conversation that Mark still completely blames me for a'll of this'.  If Diana hadn't filed that restraining order....If Diana hadn't gone to the police...

It's still so sad to me that Mark cannot see through the haze.  He can't seem to comprehend that he did this all to himself.  All he had to do was leave me alone.  However, I don't believe that is possible with his mental state.

It's also very scary to know that he feels the exact same way he felt while he was making the death threats.  He is not under a doctor's care.  He still doesn't believe anything is wrong with him.  And, it's all Diana's fault...

Oh, and just to help your curiosity, I was right.  There were just papers and newspaper articles in the safe.

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