Tuesday, February 26, 2013

56. And Why Would Tuesday Be Any Better?

I held my breath this morning to see what today would be like.  Imagine my surprise to get to work to this email after the abuse of yesterday:

Yes, I know, I know, I should have just not responded, but I couldn't help it!

He didn't like that.  The rest of the day started to go downhill:

I'm pretty sure I don't want this "deal':

Here he is leaving a message about the above Discover email:

12:37 PM

WOW!! Can you believe he got Roy Black!?!?  Yeah, I didn't either.. Especially since he isn't a divorce attorney and even if he was Mark couldn't afford him:

Goodness! Mark says I owe the Republican Party $50K! hmmmmmm..

12:59 PM

The phone call wasn't enough.  Even though everything he is saying is a lie he felt he had to email and insult me as well.

 lI didn't answer my phone for the rest of the night. There were several more voice messages, but most were just noise and music.  However, these were eye openers:

9:28 PM

Following the voice message he emailed me as well. I am assuming he means Becky
 Then, of course, within a minute he sends another insulting email:

And, the Grand Finale for the day.  This is 3 1/2 minutes long.  It's well worth the listen.  I could have sworn he was talking about himself - that is until he started tremedously insulting me:

11:59 PM

By the way, I turned off my phone again so I could sleep. 

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