He removed me from his Discover account so I couldn't see what he is doing. He has also cashed out all of his life insurance policies as well. I am sure I haven't mentioned that he is also buying a brand new Corvette. He says, "He deserves it." He tried to get me to co-sign for it last Friday when he went to the Credit Union for a loan. I refused. They refused him credit, so he is very angry with me. My understanding is he is having it delivered C.O.D. It's going to be interesting to see what happens next. He has no money to pay for it.
So, today is Wednesday. I woke up this morning and jumped in the shower. I could hear my cell phone ringing when I got out. I knew it was Mark. Who else would call me at 7:40 A.M.? I ignored it. I knew I would be at work in about 30 minutes anyway. He did leave a message:
7:40 A.M.
When I got to work I could tell it was going to be a difficult day. He was on EBAY when I got there sitting at my desk. He makes me 'wait' to work until he feels he will 'allow' me to sit at my desk. He also goes through all of my drawers. A couple of days ago he tore down everything I had up on the walls and shredded them.
He 'ordered' me to go to get him coffee. Everything in me wanted to scream SCREW YOU. Instead, I just went to get it up at 7-11. It just wasn't worth the grief to start the day off with a fight.
As customers came in throughout the day he was very vocal to tell them that I had 'left' him. He had to make sure to add that he had spent all of the holidays alone 'because of me.' Throughout the day he came in to my office to ridicule me. He made sure to remind me a few times that, "everyone here hates you, you know that right?" I told him, "Yeah, that's fine and I am OK with that." I know they don't, but again, I didn't feel the need to feed into his behavior. He was just trying to get me to fight with him.
I have told the kids on many occasions that Mark is like the big bad bully on the playground. He will bully and bully and say the meanest things he can to see if he can get you to fight back. I refuse to buy into his behavior. That actually makes him more angry.
He told me today that my cat Nai has been home, but is emaciated because I left him. He said Nai misses me and will probably die from neglect because I am not there to take care of him. Again, I ignored his words. What I wanted to say was, "So, what you are saying is you are SO unstable that you can only feed your puppy and not feed the cat?" But, I chose not to say it and fuel his rage. I have tried the few times I have been out there to find Nai and take him with me. I can never find him. I wish I could, but he hides. I won't risk being there at night when he might come out.
It was a very long, very sad and very grueling day for me. I was mentally abused most of the day. By the end of the day Mark came in my office and asked 'when are you coming home.' I started to cry and said, "I'm not." I wanted so badly to explain to him 'why' and plead for him to get help. But of course, he didn't want to hear it. He said, "You are too emotional to talk right now. We'll talk tomorrow." I heard him tell the guys in the back of the shop that 'she is leaving for Arizona.' I never said such a thing, but his mind thought that.
I so wanted a peaceful night tonight, but it wasn't to be. From the moment I got home the calls started:
Kristin's Home Answering Machine - 6:16 P.M.
Then on my cell phone 6:17 P.M.
After we ate dinner I saw I had a Facebook message from my friends Wade and Dixie. They asked if I had seen Mark's wall. I hadn't.
I am SO VERY GLAD TO KNOW HE and I are RICH! Oh wait, we aren't! It's also good to know that he is happy to get this crazy bitch (me) off of his nutsack.
In the meantime my cell phone was still going off. I just let it continue to go to messages. You will note that the name calling gets worse and worse. Some of them start with music and the abuse is at the end.
Also, understand that when he talks about "Matt" he is referring to his divorce attorney from his first wife. I spoke to Matt on Monday. Mark has not called him since 2003.
6:24 P.M
6:28 P.M.
6:30 P.M.
6:35 P.M.
6:40 P.M.
6:43 P.M.
6:45 P.M.
6:58 P.M.
7:06 P.M.
7:07 P.M.
At some point he called one of our employee's, Pat. Pat called Chris after and said he, "told Mark off about the way he is acting."
Then I got these last three messages:
8:30 P.M.
8:35 P.M.
And finally, this last one is a DOOZY - especially after all of the abuse I put up with today...
9:05 P.M.
I need some sleep.
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