Saturday, March 16, 2013

70. Sunny Forecast Turns to Stormy

My day started out so great. Started off feeling on top of the world. It was my youngest Megan's 29th birthday.  She had to work.  So, I decided to treat myself instead.

I had an appointment to go and get my hair cut.  In the middle of my appointment, Len called (the one that took Jet and Mark) called my cell.. He said "We have some things to talk about," so I told him I'd have to call back later.

When I was done with my hair I went to 2 gun places. Neither had the gun Dixie told me about. Then I asked about lessons. He said 1 class is $50 for 1 hour, plus gun rental if you don't have one, plus the cost of the range. I left with nothing. It was very disheartening.

At about 3:45 PM  I called Len back. He said,"I talked to Mark last night and he was bawling like a baby. He said he was in controllable & inconsolable." He then said he talked to him again this morning and Mark this morning. He said Mark told him he is'working some angles' and should be out in a week. I told Len that isn't going to happen.

Next, Len said that Mark told him that the reason he didn't take the meds was they made him dizzy and sick. I told Len that was probably true, but he NEVER took the meds the right was, plus took alcohol along with them and Xanax too. I told him the doctor wanted to hospitalize him to adjust the meds and he refused. He said well Diana , Mark told me he knows he made a big mistake and needs help. He said Mark said, "they were just words i really didn't mean them."

Len then said, I know you are a good Christian woman. And, you were together for 18 years. It is clear to me that Mark loves you very much. So, I want to work with you to help to make him better.  I told him I had to go because I was driving and didn't want to get in an accident. But, in reality I just didn't want to talk to him anymore.  Needless to say, I do not plan to call him back.

After not finding a gun and Len calling and upsetting me, I had an instant migraine which I still have.  My day went from starting out wonderful to crap.

As far as I'm concerned, they may have been "just words" to Mark, but I believe he meant every word of it. He just can't believe he was caught. Period.

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