Friday, March 8, 2013

64. Did I Violate Your Restraining Order Love?

Other then Mark harassing the people I know, it remained quiet for me at least Friday the 8th.  That is until around 4:45 P.M.  My cell phone rang.  I had previously added a specific ring for Mark, so I would know not to accidentally answer it.  It was that ring.  It only rang one time and a message wasn't left.  I assumed the call was an accidental dial and decided not to start fretting just yet.

About 5 minutes later I got a Facebook message.  Wade said, "Diana, Mark is posting on his page."  Since I have blocked Mark I cannot see anything he writes.  The following was what Mark posted (note he changed the date of the post to February 6th, which is both of our birthdays):

I realized that phone call wasn't a mistake.  At 5:42 P.M. the onslaught began.  Mark left 40 messages over the next 6 hours.

I am sure you have asked yourself at least once, "didn't he violate his temporary restraining order?"  Why yes, yes he did.  Every single call he made on the 8th was a violation.  I went to the North Palm Beach Department on the 8th and reported it.  In fact, while I was at the station he was calling, over and over.  They had me actually answer a call and put it on speaker, so they could verify it was him.  Next they had me email them all of the recordings.  They said it was enough probably cause to issue a warrant for his arrest.

I must once again thank Dixie for her tireless help in transcribing all of these.  It was a very painstaking process.  She spared me from having to do it.

Transcripts 3-08-13

March 4 to March 7 Respondent did not contact the Petitioner.  Respondent was served 8:15 a.m on 3/6/13.  After Respondent was served he contacted Petitioner on March 8.  Respondent left 40 messages on Petitioner’s phone. Respondent left 5 messages on Petitioner's work phone.

Respondent posted on Facebook on March 8th.  "Uh, oh. Did I violate your restraining order, love?"

40 Voicemails on March 8, 2013.  Voice mails begin at 5:42 p.m.

Friday,  March 8, 2013 @ 5:42PM – Message #1
>> Recording <<

“I violated my, um, restraining order and you violated yours.
Where are we at?
Why don’t you come out to the house and we’ll talk?
How does it feel to have the cops pull up and slap you with a [laugh] restraining order, with their guns and their bullets and everything? How does that feel?  Good? Are they doing that at my shop that you…. just totally destroyed.
I’m still cleaning up Mod…. I saw my electric bill.  I see it’s gone down quite a bit, and I see the value of the house has gone up.  So, I guess I’ll just stay out here and keep working and you can just keep sleeping with your boyfriend and do all the things that you do.
Wow! Really?  Really?
Well, I can assure you your cell phone is not going to work anymore.
So, I, I just want you to come out, honey. I mean, this is your house too. Er, it used to be.  I guess it’s mine now.  I refinanced it.
Hey, Paulie! Grab me one please.
Yeah, I’m talking to the fucking cunt now.
You love her right
You want to talk to her?
No. Paulie does not want to talk to you.
Paulie is not going to do any more work until we are divorced, so…
You tried to ruin my life but..
I guess I’ll see you Tuesday.
And I‘ll explain to the judge, you know, what you’ve done to everybody
You made Joe cry. [LAUGH]  Chris cry.  Mattie cry.  Kristin cry.  Chris cry.  Chris is a pussy.   He is a pussy mother fucker. I’m going to Irishfest just to kick his fucking ass. He’ll learn.  That may be a tad, um, over the edge there, I don’t know.  What do you think?
You fucking slut.
You’re going to get … fucked.   Mmm  Mmm
Well, you are getting fucked. By Mattie and 37 other dudes. You live in… Well, the restraining order says it all.
If it wasn’t’ true you wouldn’t be getting served. You fucking slut, you fucking cunt. I fucking hate you.
It feels good to get this off my chest. Len came by.  He fucking hates you.
Yeah. I know Paulie.
Alright, Paulie wants me to back off a little bit.  So, he’s saying I should delete this.  So, I don’t know.
What do you think? You FUCKING… You are going to be eaten alive by dogs.
Yeah, that may have pushed the edge a little bit.  I don’t know. I should have called private.  I don’t know.
Now I’ve gotta let this play to the end.
I have no food, no money. I’m a little bit angry.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 5:48PM - Message #2
>> Recording <<

“I’m sorry.  That was wrong. I apologize.
I did go to the Bahamas though.
She likes anal sex a little more than I do.
And She wanted Mollie in there pounding me, not her friend the dog.
So, anyway we should talk.   It’s been a long weekend.
So, and this is a civil case.  It’s not criminal. Well, it’s criminal for your lawyer, who you say you don’t have.
Why do you lie to me so much?
You’re, you just… I hope every day is a nightmare for…
I made an appointment with Agresti for you, for your ass-hamburger, ass-cheeseburgers, extra blue cheese, triple fucking butter.  Must be nice to eat like that.  Did you have a nice lunch?
I thought about calling you, but I didn't want to violate the, uh, restraining order. [LAUGH]
But apparently the worm has turned… so, I don’t even know why I’m giving you my time. I really don’t.
I,  I, uh…I dug a burial space for you today.  It is 40 feet deep and 10 feet long. Hopefully your 4000 pound body…well, that’s not an issue because I’m going to chop it up.
Oh yeah.
Again I remind you this is a civil issue. And I’ve got some anger issues. I could probably use a little bit of anger management.
But I've logged a lot of that on from the first time you tried to fuck me over.
You fucking cunt!  You fucking slut!  You fucking whore!
Oh that felt good.  [LAUGH] Yeah, you might want to get some additional…… psychiatric health. And pop like 8 million fucking Seroquel 'cause I talked to Agresti today and I’m on my way down there to pick up my records.
Yeah, you hate it when I can drive.  Don’t you? That concerns you. I saw that in your restraining order.
Anyway, you’re losing customers for me left and right.   You’re mismanaging everything.  You’re pocketing all the cash.   You’re giving me nothing,
I’m going to have to eat Jet tonight for food.
You fucking slut. [GROWLING NOISE] I’m so angry, so angry.
This is a good release.  This makes me feel better.
I, uh, buried all your animals today. [LAUGHTER]
You make me laugh, you fucking ass fucked. You fucking… Let me think me for point O one one one  seconds. I’m tired.  I really am.  I’m very tired. I’m old and I’m tired.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 6:05PM – Message #3
>> Recording <<

“What happens when you run to the police department and they want to arrest you for violating your restraining order?  I have several phone calls and a million… [SIGH]
I’m going to slice you …. up and down, ….  the front, the back.
I guess I’m what they call, uh, a very sane person who is very upset about getting a divorce.
So, you can ask the North Palm Beach Police Department about it.
I have some phone numbers for you to call.  Stand by.  F’ing C.
No food. No beer. No nothing
I blame you for this.
Uh, when you go to the Village of North Palm, you’re going to want to talk to…

How ya doing? Good to see you.  He’s very friendly.  He won’t bother you. He wants to say hi.  His name is Jet. Jet’s very friendly. I see your dog is not quite as friendly.  Jet no, no, no.  Leave those people alone. Can he play with your dog?  He’s dying to play with someone.

He’s going to eat my wife’s brains so it’ll work out ok.
Actually you’re not my wife.  You’re nothing.
Oh I Googled Brad and spoke with him.
Oh and uh, Grant lives here now.   He’s uh yeah.  He took the spare bedroom.
Hold on.   I’ve got a new message here.  I’ve got to respond to Wade.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 6:18PM – Message #4
>> Recording <<

“Hey, honey. Um.  Those were probably out of line.
I’m willing to forgive you and invite you back to your home.
I’ve made it nice, um, it was kind of a shit hole. It has taken me eight months.
I have a card you sent me.
It says to my husband, my baby, my babe, my very best friend, my confidant, with a king sign, my something, my cuddle bear, my something. My love, with a heart.  My shining knight.
All these things I feel inside my heart when I think of you, love.  And how much I love you with a jewish sign.  Have a great day with a sunshine and a Jewish star, and then you signed: You are my everything.  You signed DRW.  Something your love with a heart.
I don’t know, looks like a bunch of lip service to me.  I’m a tad angry.
Oh I was going to give you the name of the North Palm Beach officer I spoke with at length yesterday.
His name is, umm, hold on.
You fucking slut. I got no money. I’ve got nothing. Here it is.
North Palm Beach Police.  I can’t read it.  His name is Thomas Brendelle. Police officer, fire fighter, paramedic  trainer, 560 US Highway North Palm Beach. His phone number 561-841-3342.  Fax is the same area code 881-1141.

Wow, same number.   As you know the Lord works in mysterious ways. When I found the Lord I was done with you.  Feels good.  Oh, I hate you so much. I probably posted a few inappropriate things on Facebook, but um
Oooh. Becky has a new profile picture.   She is smoking hot, looks like she put on a little weight.
I can’t believe you said she was a little ugly.
I’m sure one day I’ll be kicking a can down her street…when this is all done.
She is everything a woman should be.
You knew it from the get-go.  You knew I loved her more than you.
That is just the way it is. You’re going to have to live with it. Luckily I only got divorced once.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 6:34PM – Message #5
>> Recording <<

“Hey I’ve got pictures here of you, when uh, like when you married Brad.
Now Brad had a few things to say about you, and Grant really can’t talk.
He speaks very, He says you were .. demanding.
Your daughters were fucking sluts
You were, You were  throwing dildos up their asses when they were fucking infants, coming out of the hole.
Wow, You’ve got some issues young lady.
Well ha… OLD LADY.
Anyway, did I ever tell you how much I fucking hate you for what you did to me?
You stole eight, ten, twenty million dollars from me. You basically ruined my fucking, You fucking tried to.. You tried to break me.
I can keep this up all night if you.  ohhh Why dontcha come.  I’ve got..  I’ve got a .
Do you want to go down to Kokomos and have a nice dinner, they have really good fillets
Ouch Ouch ouch ouch, you fucking slut, you fucking cunt, you fucking whore
Ohh I’m not going to be able to make your fucking  meeting because I just blew my knee out.   Oh you are worthless, you are the worthless fucking cunt. I’m still cleaning up. God damn I hate you.
So I’ll be going to Memphis soon; To victory college. Once I invited God in to my life I had someone to talk to. And he tells me to do these things, He told me to invite you out here and  to be nice. So why don’t you come out. I’d love to see you.
I can bring an 18 wheeler out to,  to A take my car back, Take my business back, Take my building back.
Take all the cash that you got. I’ve got to call Ed and freaking Pete. I’m out of fucking Reefer. I’m out of everything, You didn't pay me. I’ve got a large civil suit going  against…
Anyway, why don’t you call the North Palm Police department, I’m sure they’re familiar with your address. How’s Bailey and Muffin doing, because I’m very concerned.  You can’t even take care of yourself.  How can you possibly take care of animals that fucking hate you because your always shoving your dildos.  Did you buy more dildos, because if you didn't, I've got a ton of them out here.
 I mean, I’m sure I’ll be done with the hate soon, as soon as discover is done with you. Oh, how does it feel to get that um…”
(Recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 6:37 PM –  #6
>> Recording <<

“I’m making some mash potatoes right now and those Friday’s ribs.
If you could call me back I’d appreciate it.
Love you
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 6:41 PM –  #7
>> Recording <<

[background noise from a television]
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 6:47 PM - #8
>> Recording <<

“Yo what’s up.  Huh.  Really? Wow.
Well I guess Cheryl  is uh on her way to Jail, Your dad and  mom are on the way to get me, all the fucking money that Robin stole, she wont talk to me.
Ohh I’m getting tired honey, I’m really really just getting tired.
Tired of the fighting.  Tired of the, you fucking me. I’m tired of you stealing 40 million dollars from me. I’m just tired of you, and um this should be our, we should be growing old together.
All those pictures, Oh here is another card.  For the woman I love on mother’s day. People get married for all kinds of reasons but I only needed one. Well,  we were never married lets just make that clear. Your buddy fucking Nugent. UMM It’s a big card, It says, you happy mother’s day, to my sweet darling gorgeous baby with a heart happy mothers day. Love (you) I guess you were worried about Becky.  With a big heart and smiley face and then says love me.
Yeah, falling out of love with you and falling in love with God was the absolute best thing that ever happened because you’re a fucking pig, you’re a fucking cunt, you’re a fucking money grubbing slut.
Let me grab the umm restraining order that you had the fucking balls to fucking send me.  And, now your lawyer is sending me back I deny these allegations awwww, (laughter) how can you deny what is true.
You fucking slut.  You fucking cunt.  You fucking whore.  You fucking money grubbing…  As soon as you got that money from Lockheed you ..  I’m sure you already have the numbers for…
I put some lights in out here in the front yard.  I’m sure you’ve seen them.  I’m off for Kokomos to get me and Jet dinner.  So, I’m sure your pounding back 3 million pounds of fucking ribs, and steak and lobster on my dime,  that’s going to end soon too.
I can’t wait…  until I murder you. And just (growl) that, That is my wish. I just sit here and think about how much pain and how much sorrow and how many times can a man cry until he just umm gets fed up.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 6:50 PM –# 9
>> Recording <<

“You bore me.
Why didn’t you sign that Prenup that I asked you to sign? I knew that you were going to be a fucking slut, a fucking cunt.  This, This helps me, I need to do this because it helps me to recover from your outrageous allegations again. I gotta call Pete and see if he’s got 10 pounds.  I’ve got to get rid of this fucking TV that I bought for you. I bought everything for you. You owe me probably a hundred million dollars. But, I’ll collect that from the Velocity and USAA and Palm Beach county library system, Direct TV, AT&T, a lot of other people here.  I’m thinking of fucking suing.

And the hole, (laugh) that I dug for you, Kristin, Matty and uh…, because I want to put Matty out of his pain, you should not sexually assault my grandson. His father is a fucking giant fucking pussy.  And, I’m going to blow his brains out, with the three fucking Ruegar 46 I own now.  Because I’ve got to be able to kill 3 nigers that home invade me because of Hoxter. I called Hoxter last night, I know I shouldn’t but I did. – God Damn do I hate you.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 6:55 PM - #10

>> Recording <<

(breaking noise)  “That is a picture of you I’m sitting on, the last one.  I’ve got a shrine here built for Ryan.  My only blood son.  I love him so much, you turned him against me, of course. Just like everyone else.  You fucking slut.  You fucking cunt.   You fucking money grubbing piece of fucking human shit – Good Lord.

Thank God that you are the uhh respondent, and I’m the petitioner, because, my laywer says I can call you. HEY ROY,  I was just talking to her, yeah. Keep it up? Alright, get as nasty as I can? Why don’t you come in and  get a shot of the blue. Yeah, Got no food, Got no money, they stopped paying me.

Ewwww – wow I’m getting really really tired, so soon I’ll be retiring.  I really worked my ass off in this shit hole you left for me. I’ll be by to pick up my car, my bird, and my dog tomorrow. Me and the North Palm Beach police department so that you don’t kill me, I’m very concerned that… Oh and your sister, did she get arrested yet?  Your father and your mother,  oh the fucking step mother, oh that is where the money is coming from. OH I SEE, Lets just get divorced and end it. Can’t wait… Hello?”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 6:59 PM - #11
>> Recording <<

(high pitch voice – unintelligible )
“I’ve got the hole down to 40 feet now, so I can put, four people in there now. (Inaudible) Only you will be, dismembered. After the pigs fucking kill you and eat you, bit by bit. Just like in the, that movie we watched, what was it, Oh, silence of the lambs, Clarissa, I can smell your vagina. Well your vagina seized up… but not for Tim, or bill, or Steve, or Tom or Mattie, or…. Wade, Waaaade, I’m going to call that fucker up and get him to write me a letter stating your fucking clinically IN fucking sane. And, then I’m going to Georgia and kill him if he doesn't.

 So  enjoying it. Enjoy it. You brought this upon yourself, again this is therapy for me. I’ve got this uh, uh, (Yeahwn) this is good because it makes me tired. I think I’m going to take a little nap, um, (inaudible)
The North Palm police said uh, don’t call her lawyer,
Hey Jack, Jack come. Treats for Jack. (Inaudible)
Oh my whores are here I've got to go.
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 7:05 PM - #12
>> Recording <<

“Um. I got no money.  I haven’t been paid in weeks.  [TV in background]
I did what you asked me when you tried to break me.  [tv].
[talking to dog]
Good Jetstar.  What a good boy.  He’s a good puppy.  What a good angel boy.  He’s my angel.  He’s my buddy.  He’s my roommate.  I love him so much.  I love my Jetstar.  He’s the best ever.  What a good boy.  You wanna toy?  You wanna treat?
Wanna treat?  Wanna treat?  I got treats.  Yeah!
Oh no.  No.  I’m gonna shit on you before I painfully fucking murder you.  I called your dad.  We had a conference call.  Me, Brad, and your dad.  Grant couldn’t talk because he’s drinkin’ in his bedroom.  He don’t like you either.
I suggest you have me arrested.  [LAUGHING]”
“Or uh, your lawyer who is doing your divorce for free, Nugent.  [tv]
Wow. Don’t [unintelligible].  [tv]
You hate.  Do unto others [Yeahwn] as you would have them do unto you.  That’s what I’m doing.  You served me a restraining order.  I served you three.  You get butt fucked by eight fucking dudes with Matty watching.  Doing the nasty.  You know.  You denied me sex for so long.  Um, I have to watch, you know, well, not tonight, I’m going…you ready, boys? [Yeahwn]  I don’t wanna come in here to sleep.  ….going in the spa….[unintelligible]”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 7:19 PM - #13
>> Recording <<

(audible – Yeahwn)
“I got the fire place working again. – so you know any evidence will be … burned.
I think that is how I’ll kill Yeah. I’ll just burn you to death. I’ll tie your hands behind your back and your legs.  I’ll duct tape your bald fucking head. You’ve got a huge bald spot do you know that?
(Audible Yeahwn)
Well, I need to eat, you can fuck off and die.”
(audible – television)
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 7:24 p.m. - #14
>> Recording <<

[television and noise]
Fuckin cunt?
[tv & noise]
“Whore?  Are you there, whore?
[chopping sounds and unintelligible speaking]
It’s getting cold so I guess I’ll turn up the heat.  [noise]
F’ing C.
[unintelligible]  Karen do that.
I asked Karen if she is going to be filing charges against you.  On my uh recommendation…[tv]  gonna make those ribs that you love so much.  As hamburgers.  Cheeseburgers.  [tv]
You there f’ing C?  [tv]
Goddamn! You’re a fucker. “ [tv]
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 7:29 p.m. - #15
>> Recording <<

“Hey, I need those coins back please. The ones you stole from me.  Fucking C.  Why’d you try to break me?  You’re getting broken right now.  You spend a lot of time crying?”  [alarm sound]
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 7:35 p.m. - #16
>> Recording <<

 “You have three old messages.  Tuesday, 9:34 a.m. [answering machine voice]
Hey, I found your tag and your registration and it’s here and I’ve got your cash for you.  Bye.
[R playing recording of P from home answering machine]
Thursday 12:11 p.m. – Hey, just home.  Returning the call.  Alright. Talk to you later.  Bye.
Monday, 3:49 p.m. - Good afternoon, Mark.  It’s Sandy at Victory University.  I just got [unintelligible] back into my office.  I received the message from you.  I would like to discuss it.  I would appreciate it if you would give me a call back. Sandy at Victory University.  855-842-8648.”
“End of messages”

“Well, that’s a violation of your um, fucking restraining order.  That’s why they served you.  I can’t give you a lot more information because Roy is violently against it.  But Lord, are you a fucking slut or what? You can’t get enough fucking cock in mouth, in your ass, in your pussy.  Yet I went 25 years without pussy, which is well documented. You’re the slut, boy [UI].  You fucked that [ui] Wow.  Oh you’re a fucking slut. You know.  Jet knows it.  Jet’s a good boy.  He’s my buddy.  He’s my best friend.  And he’s my roommate.  We’re gonna have a good weekend together.  'Cause you’re not here.”
[Phone ringing.]
“That’s your buddy, Hoxster.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 7:42PM - #17
>> Recording <<

“Hey,  What have I done to you? I mean, all I’ve done is made your house worth more money, your life.  You stole 100 million dollars from me.
Your lawyer is gonna be in jail, like you, for violation of um, the restraining order that you were served.  I have no food. I have no money. Did I get paid today?
Alright, why don’t you chew on that for a little bit and I’ll be right back with  you.
Why don’t you call the North Palm Police department. They love you. Pat loves you.  Joe loves you.  Turned everyone in my life against me.
How’s Discover dealing with you?  I know they called Yeah because they told me.
And you are a pig.  You are a fucking pig. All that will be documented… when I meet you on… OH NO, that’s right.  You’re now the respondent, and I am now the petitioner. And I did it all myself.  Aren’t you proud of me?
Sure glad I didn’t give you all my tips. I know that little one you worked with, uh, calling all the lawyers that you could.  How long did that take you?  You know, I got a lot of energy, so, and I’m concerned about Matty’s asshole being they say it is 10 inches wide now from all the dildos. You bought more dildos?  I mean, how can you do that? How could you possibly buy more fucking dildos than the ones that you made me buy when we went to [UI]
Good Lord are you an F’ing C or what?
You think these calls are gonna to end?  No, I don’t think so.  They’ll continue as you [ui].  I’ve learned all kind of “lawyer-ease”.
Now I’ve got to go to Memphis soon. I’m concerned you’ll destroy my house so…
Um, I need to know how much money you’ve spent. I guess Roy will get that information from you. Has Roy contacted you? No because I can’t afford to pay him.
Well, I ate Jet tonight, so, that is all I had to eat was, the dog. The fucking dog!  So I guess I’ll be out to get Bailey and Muffin tomorrow. They should make a tasty treat. So, thank you, thank you for being such a wonderful wife.
Oh, if you hadn’t have answered the phone! Stupid fucking cunt! You know this wouldn’t have happened, but you had to answer the fucking phone. You said ‘hello’.  Stupid fucking, oh and Brad! Brad is not happy.  Brad wants a piece of this action. And I don’t blame him. “
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 7:49 PM - #18
>> Recording <<

“Hey, um, take your tongue out of Matty’s asshole for a second.  And the tongue out of Kristin’s  fucking asshole and her pussy and let Chris fuck it, cuz I’m going to meet you tomorrow cuz I’m now, um, the petitioner.  Do you like how I did that?  I gotta few more tricks up my sleeve for you.  I suggest you answer the phone, YOU FUCKING CUNT, YOU FUCKING SLUT.  I’m on my way there now.  Just, well after I make myself dinner.  And get plenty high and plenty drunk, you fucking whore, you fucking cunt.  You WILL answer me.  I’ve become quite the chef too.  You’d be quite proud of the meals I put out for me and the dog.   I hear you were eating out fucking Muffin while Bailey was fucking you in the ass.  For Tim and Bill and Dave, even Greg and you fucked everything but not me.  Oh you fucked me good.  I can keep this up all fucking night long.  And on this end, I’ll call Kristin’s phone.  I’m gonna call the police 'cause you’re in violation of your fucking restraining order.  [sigh]
Did I mention that I hate you?  Did I mention that…I wanna cut you with a razor blade.  I will dismember you. While you’re still alive I’ll drain every bit of blood out of your fucking body and use it to fertilize my plants.  Oh, you hear that?  That’s for you.  Why don’t you come out here and we’ll talk?  Yeah.  We’ll talk.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 7:56PM - #19
>> Recording <<

“Hey fucking cunt, you gonna enjoy this? Because I can go all fucking night. I’ve got a lot of energy, as you well know.
Boy I hate your fucking guts.
I thought about the razor blade today – Not real happy with it.  I guess I’ll call the North Palm Beach department and ask them to come over to your house and say, “Hi.”
Brad wants to say hi, want to talk to Brad?
(crazy laughter)
Too bad I guess you pissed Brad off when you fucked him.
Ooooo eeeeeee  wa hoooo eee
Did I get (unintelligible) you fucking OHHH
It will all be mine soon.
So I will take back what is mine soon.
Call the Village of North Palm Beach, call Loxahatchee, call the Sheriff call anyone you want.
Because  YOU WILL GO DOWN, YOU WILL GO DOWN BITCH Down on my fucking cock, Like you didn't for 50 years.
I guess I caught you on fucking Friday, or whatever day it is you get butt fucked these days
You don’t like my messages?  Well get used to them you fucking cunt, You fucking whore, you fucking slut.
And, buy me some more reefer, while you are in violation of your restraining order.
Where’s my  coins you fucking slut.  Is that what you're living on now?
You sell my coins, cause I’m sure you’ve heard from Discover.”
(Television )
[Recording ends]

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @8:01PM - #20
>> Recording <<

“Thank you for answering.
Fucking Cunt, Fucking Slut.
(chopping noise)
 (chopping noise)
There's not much left of him now.
These thigh bones are quite tasty.
(crazy laughter)
I got a bunch of new movies if you want to watch them…. Probably not.
(high pitch voice talking to dog – Jet)

You really did leave this house…
You know there is only so much I can clean up because, um.
(good boy jet, good boy jet  … (unintelligible)
(Chopping noise)
So, I guess I'll be seizing those assets.  Huge ass. Ass.  Humongous ass.  Fucking hamburger,
Useless fucking slut, fucking cunt.
Grant wants to chime in.  And, my mom wants to talk to you, but you probably don’t want to hear from her.  She hates you.  Much like many others hate you for the things you have done.
Your dad had a heart attack today. He is behind me.

Is it fun not being able to call your sister? Is she arrested yet? On no that will happen Thursday because she lives in California. Californication.”
[Recording ends]

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @8:08 PM - #21
>> Recording <<

Is this fun for you? Because it ain’t fun for me.
Just answer the fucking phone, Good Lord, What’s wrong with you.
Anyway, Let me ask you a question.
I’ve got some paperwork here. A lot of paperwork.
Hang on.
Is this it? Yeah this is it.
Answer me a fucking question.
Does your father and money grubbing fucking step fucking mother who is trashing all my fucking inheritance, live at..
Hold on I’ve got to put my glasses on.  Actually I don’t need my glasses any more.
Let me see what I’ve got here.  Let me put a flash light on it, which is basically what I do.  umm
Wow that print is really small, hold on.
I’ve got some ribs here.
10817 Dover Creek Las Vegas, NV.
Um so he ain’t real happy with you either.
He told me you’ve been butt fucking animals since you was born. He said you caused your mother to have cancer. Luckily I divorced you, well we were never married, so… Lets go back to the restraining order you were served.
Why don’t you run?
I’ve got to eat so.  YOU WILL DIE.. it might come now, it might come later.  BUT IT WILL COME. Let’s be very clear on that. I will not take myself out, I just need to take you out. It’s justifiable homicide. You’re familiar with that term, right? I read it in one of your pleadings. As you grow more desperate. I’m getting tired honey. real tired. But I can still put a key in my ignition. – and burn you to death, burn the whole fucking family. burn Matty, burn you. Just to get you away.
Oh you’ve got an appointment with Agresti on Tuesday. You better call the courts Tuesday and let – oh its Wednesday. Oh I’ll see you in a court of law, Ms. Johnson. Hey Brad, did you really marry her - No. Hey grant. She lived with dildos up her ass and pussy’s all the time. While she was bringing in men and women and babies and Eating baby shit.. wow, really really? Wow. I’m a little tired, I’m a little..”
(Recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 8:14 PM - #22
>> Recording <<

(Chopping noise)
Hey these dildos, will you come get them please.
You fucking slut.
You fucking cunt.
You fucking whore.
I can’t describe the amount of pain … (unintelligible)
You fucking cunt.
You fucking slut.
And of course, you fucking ass licking shit eating, piece of shit fucking cunt.”
[Recording ends]

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 8:44 p.m. – #23
>> Recording <<

Hey, honey, the Village of North Palm Beach is looking for you and Kristin and Chris and Matty.  Um.  Why don’t you give them a call, please?  And, tell em that they are harassing me and that that’s another civil suit, so...”
Wow, really?  I mean I’ve got them calling me.  They’re demanding I come down there and give them a statement.  So, I guess you’re all gonna be arrested.  They know about what you’ve done to Matty and they know about your sexual preferences and they know that I want to KILL YOU.  I’m getting a tad angry.  So, if  you could call me back, I’d appreciate it.  I love you.  Bye.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 8:53 p.m. – #24
>> Recording <<

“Hey honey. I don’t know if you got my last message but…. for some reason the Villages of North Palm Police keeps calling here.  So, you need to talk to officers Rendell the lead detective because..

Anyway… but Lord do I fucking hate you.
Why are the police from North Palm Beach calling me, and why are you out fucking everything that fucking moves because they go over to the house there that you aren’t paying rent for. AND, where are my coins?  You know, I guess it all comes down to, I’m trying to open a business here.  I got me a … You know what?
I’m on my way there to North Palm Beach, we’ll both be by  to arrest your... ten thousand pound fucking body. They are going to have to knock some walls down. OH that is why you are not in the house because they are going to have knock some walls down. Because you can’t fit in, it makes sense now.

You might want to call the North Palm Beach. 561-841-3312 their fax number,  561-881-1141 Oh that is the same number of the business you stole from me. And you are going to talk to Thomas Rendell.
He is a police office, fire fighter, paramedic and trainer.
They are located at 561 US highway 1 North Palm 33408
His email is Fuck off and die and burn in hell bitch
Wow that is a strange email address; but I was able to read that, it is really small print.
REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY – anyway, I hope no one finds uhhh, well there won’t be anything to find.  Why don’t you just come out here.  Move back here.  We’ll just say this was a big mistake, on your part.

Well I’ve got some whores coming over so. Well you would like that. You can fuck whores and kill them. Like in Cook Country, IL. No one there is no, once you take all of their teeth out. There is no way.. well you’ve got to ruin there DNA. You’ve got to pump their body full of bleach. Time to make a change,  starting now.

Where are you at?”
(Recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 8:55 PM – 25
>> Recording <<

“Good star.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 8:58 PM - #26
>> Recording <<

“Hey honey ummm
I guess the sheriff is looking for you too.
So, I want my car back.  Me, Me and Paulie are coming to get it.
And, we are going to take the Liberty. And, we are going to put Matty in a recovery house.  And, I guess Chris and Kristin are going to be arrested too.” [Cough]
(Recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 9:03p.m. - #27
>> Recording <<

(recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 9:31 PM - #28
>> Recording <<

“Could you go to the police department please?
(coughing or chopping noise)
Alright, I’m on my way there to pick you up.
We’ll have a good time, we can go to Kokomos, they got a sports bar now and there is a lot of fine pussy there.
(Television noise) (Cough)
Women empower each other. Is that fucking funny.
Women are nothing but whores, nothing but money grubbing whores,  they are nothing but fucking SLUTS.
Every woman needs to be fucking dismembered, killed and buried and burned. Ohhh Ohhh
You worked from home, and I paid you.  And now you are not paying me even though I’m out there every day busting my ass every day for you.
Really really hard working from home, working from home. So all Yeah gotta do is go to Zillow.
Alright I’m gonna (inaudible) you.”
[Television sounds]
(Recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 9:37 PM - #29
>> Recording <<

[Typing sounds]
[Recording ends]

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 9:51 PM - #30
>> Recording <<

“Why are you still breathing my air?
Something must be done about that.
Oh, I found some food.
Fucking slut.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 10:21 PM - #21
>> Recording <<

2 seconds - unintelligible
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 11:07 PM - 32
>> Recording <<

Are you sleeping?
How did they get you in the house, did they have to knock down like the front wall?
And, did the North Palm Beach police department ever get a hold of you?
You fucking slut, you fucking cunt, you fucking whore.
Ewww ohhh I’m a tad angry, but it's good.
Only you can make me this angry – its funny. Well you and Paula.
So, I guess I’ll go out to Vegas and work my magic.
(audible – crazy laugh)
That will be sweet
And then I’ll swing by Arizona and take care a couple of issues there… it is a lot of dessert – so I should be good. Decapitate and feed the coyotes.
Anyway, I guess you are going to get arrested.
You’ve got no one to blame but yourself you fucking cunt.
Hey Beth, Yeah  I’ve got a three way going on tonight.
Hey Beth I know I know… Beth gets upset when I … Beth is the girl from Publix.  The one with the blond hair.
I know honey, Just go back in there, use her dildos. I don’t know what to do with 53 of them.
Let me think.
I’m going to kill her too.
She is a sweetheart, she has treated me very very well. She has had to work that ass.. no work that credit card the Discover one. OH. Did those fraud lawyers  get a hold of you? You have the North Palm Beach Police department number right?
I can keep this going all night.”
(high pitch voice talking to dog)
(Recording ends)

Friday, March 8th, 2013 @ 11:13 PM - #33
>> Recording <<

(audible – television)
(audible – high pitched voice talking to dog)
“I think I shredded 10 million pictures today all those memories, that is all they are.
Answer the fucking phone you pedophile fucking dildo shoving whore. Oh I’m going to bring those dildos down to the shop when they arrest you on Monday. Respondent.
Then I’ll kill ‘em. – I’m going to kill every fucking cop. I’ve got 3 glocks, um Rueger, 43.  That may be a violation of the uhh little restraining order I put on you. But, Len told me that if you surrender your fire arms, then you don’t get them back.
I am running out reefer hon. I’ve got to call Pete.
Have you evicted him yet?  But, don’t worry about that it is my responsibility.  I’ll take care of all that  on the 19th.  I’ve got to abide by the restraining order.  Oh you.. no, that is kind of old news right? I understand the cops are going to come kill you, because they are tired of you.  They said that you don’t deserve to breath the air that you consume.  You fucking (audible indiscernible). You fucking slut.
Why don’t you run to the North Palm Beach police department.
They want me to come down and give a sworn statement, so I guess I will.  It is only about 12.  No it is later than that, it is.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 11:18 p.m. – #34
>> Recording <<

[television noise]
Oooo Wee.
“Hey, Pete, Mark.
Very close personal friend.
This is my lawyer Roy.
Roy, what’s up?
Roy, you always drink too much of that fucking blue.
[ui] – Talking to dog.
Love this lazy-boy.
I’m weighing in about 150 now.  No food.  No buds.  Jet, go back to sleep.  Oh Becky’s coming? No.  Becky’s in the Bahamas getting fucked by some 63 year old nigger.
Um go to eBay.  You automatically log on and pick out anything that you want.  Anything…  the fucking slut will pay for it.  One way or another.  Fucking slut.  Fucking cunt.  Fucking whore.
Oh.  I’m getting tired.  I’ve got a headache.  Get me a million Excedrin, a million Seroquel. Oh, Agresti says I owe him fifty dollars.  Can you imagine that?  And, some other fucking old bitch called me from I don’t know where. [UI]  Said I owed them money.  So, that whole office was wiped out.
[Television]  Large swell.  That’s what you are.  A large fucking boil on my ass.   A large carbuncle.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 11:22 p.m. – 35
>> Recording <<

“Your voice annoys me.
Your brain, is toast.
Your face, is an abomination.
Your neck, you’ve got so many chins you need a book mark to find your mouth.
Your breath is non-existent.
Your hips look like 10 cows.
Hey Bec
She doesn’t like it when I talk to you this way.
Shut the fuck you fucking cunt, you fucking slut. Yeah, pucker that asshole up.
Hey, Jet is going to mount you.
Oh my God Jet is doing it, good boy, he’s a good boy and she is liking it.
Len don’t like you. But he is (unintelligible)
When you’re in jail, I’m sure niggers  (unintelligible)
Yeah niggers love a fat bitch.
I’ve been watching. Yeah me and Chris’s dad are watching a lot of Jerry Springer.
We ought to go on that.  What do you think hon?
I can do this all fucking day.
You fucking slut.  You  you fucking cunt.  You fucking whore.  You money loving piece of human shit.
Has Discover called you yet? They have your number they have your lawyers number – it is just a matter of time.
I should be patient. I’m going to be patient.
Hello… Hello?
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 11:29 p.m. – 36
>> Recording <<

(High Pitched Voice Pretending to be Diana's recorder) Thanks for calling, Thanks for calling. Thanks for calling. I’m so fucked up in the head.
I heard you’re fucking Agresti, is that true?
Oh, I can do this till the fucking cows come home.
You worthless cock sucking, money grubbing, money thieving, hook up with a lawyer bitch who got served with a fucking restraining order. I know you just want to uhhh (inaudible)
Did I mention my
Oh Dixie is here.
Come on in Dix. And Cliff.  Hi Cliff.  You go work (inaudible)
And, I’ll work your fucking wife.
Man is she smoking. Not quite as good looking as, … Paige. Hey Paige. (inaudible)
They have that end of life shit.
OHH score.”
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 11:31 p.m. – 37
>> Recording <<

[Television noise]
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 11:34 p.m. – 38
>> Recording <<

“I know what happened.  Someone commandeered my phone line.  And…”
[tv noise]
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 11:37 p.m. – 39
>> Recording <<

“Tired, Tired of you.
Tired of other bitches.
All women should be drawn and quartered, that would be a hell of a way to go… While on fire…
Bless you. Bless you. Bless you.
Thank you.
I can’t call you while I’m asleep .
You fucking cunt.”
Love Yeah
(recording ends)

Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 11:40 p.m. – 40 (last message)
>> Recording <<

[tv noise]
[tv noise]
Ooh. Hoo.
(recording ends)

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