Christmas 2012: Our Family Day
Matthew woke up very early this morning. His mom and dad were not awake. My room is next to his. He opened my door enough so I could hear him, "You awake grandma?" In a very quiet voice, "Santa came are you awake?"
I got up. Matthew had to show me that Santa ate the fruit cookie and drank the water he left out for him. He also wanted to show me all the presents Santa had left under the tree. Then he showed me the stockings have been stuffed. I also noticed all of the stockings have been opened and he had looked inside. I pretended like I didn't notice.
Then Matthew told me, "Grandma I am hungry." So I made him something to eat. Right about then Kristin came out. While he was eating he asked when we could open presents. His mom told him that they had decided he could open one present until granddad arrived at 1 P.M.
When Chris came out he and Kristin let Matthew open the Lego set that Great Grandpa Papo and Great Grandma Paula sent. Both of them were very excited putting it together. They played with the Lego set for a couple of hours. Kristin and I started getting busy in the kitchen making hard boiled eggs and chips and dip. The eggs were a challenge since neither of us had ever made them before. There is no doubt we made several mistakes. And, we certainly didn't have all of the right ingredients to make them, but all in all they turned out pretty well. We did laugh a lot while making them.
I had many hopes for today. One was that Mark would actually show up. The second was that he would act nice. Matthew is five and will be six in January. He is at the age where he will absolutely remember these times. I honestly didn't want him to have bad memories of his granddad at Christmas.

It was just a bit melancholy because not only was Mark not there, Megan was also not there and neither was Ryan. Matthew did ask where granddad was. I told him that granddad wasn't feeling well. We made the best of it though. The day was really for Matthew after all. I have to tell you he truly was a joy to watch.
We ate Christmas dinner around 3:00 P.M. We had bought a turkey and a ham, but decided not to cook the ham after realizing it was just the four of us. Everyone decided to save it for New Years day. After we finished eating Matthew ran to play with his new toys.
Megan showed up after we ate. She was here for about 45 minutes, opened her presents and then left to go to a Christmas party with Claude. Kristin was down about this as she misses Megan very much. I think part of her sadness had a lot to do with the lack of family today on Christmas.
The most precious thing about Christmas 2012 was Matthew. He made the day for all of us. The innocence of a child is a treasure to watch. All in all we had a wonderful Christmas.
Merry Christmas 2012
If you prefer to not be angry you can just skip Christmas (Part 2).
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