Saturday, December 29, 2012

33. No Time Like The Present?

If you happened to read about my day yesterday Part 1 and Part 2 then you already know I had a hell of a day and night.  I expected more of the same today.  So, imagine my surprise to wake up to this text:

If I am headed that way? I mean REALLY?  Not even 8 hours earlier he was calling me a whore and now he wants to know if I am headed that way?

On Facebook Wade had received another message from Mark around 8:45.  This time the conversation was entirely different.  I suppose it might have been because he wasn't drunk yet at 8:45 AM:
  • Conversation started Saturday
  • Wade Post

    He sent me this today, I didn't reply.
    • Mark Walter

      well, my friend, as usual, as i reread our conversation, i realize your correct on all counts. She is awesome, beautiful, childlike, incredibly intellengent, and everything a man could ever ask for in a wife. I'm gonna focus every bit of energy and beg her to come back to me. Thanks man, your words speak volumes.
      • Mark Walter

        gotta start doing the damn dishes, damn i miss her 

      Then about two hours later I received this picture in my email:

      You are thinking to yourself, so what?  Well, that is a page taken out of a larger photo album.  He took the page out and took a picture of the page. These are pictures of my girls when they were babies. My mother and father are also in these pictures.  These pictures are precious to me.  And, since my mama passed away they are even more precious.  He knows this.

      My thoughts started racing.  Why is he sending me these pictures?  What does he plan to do with them?  What if he is planning on destroying them?  I had no reason not to think so after everything he said about me yesterday.  If you remember, yesterday afternoon he texted that he had demolished my computer that had all of Matty's pictures and videos on it.  I talked to the kids.  Chris agreed we needed to get my pictures out of the house.  We also needed Big Muffin's cage.  She has been living in a tiny cage made for a parakeet.

      Chris, Kristin and Matthew drove his Jeep.  I drove my car and followed them.  When we arrived I saw that Paulee (one of the painters) was there.  I had called Rick (the other painter) the day before and told him not to go to our house anymore.  I asked him to please pass the information to Paulee.  We have no money and Mark is bouncing checks.

      As we walked into the garage Mark was walking out.  He looked at us and said, "Sorry about yesterday.  It was the 'Jack Daniels' talking, not me."  I stood there and said nothing.  However, I wanted to scream.  So, I guess this means that since he was drunk that makes his outrageous, rude, mean, intimidating behavior the night before all OK?

      Paulee was painting a door.  I politely told him he isn't supposed to be here and he needed to leave right away.  Paulee is very nice, but he is also 'different'.  He talks a mile a minute and hears nothing you say. He just may be bipolar too.  He spent the next 10 minutes going on about why he was here.  I listened he talked and then he finally left.

      Mark was extremely happy to see all of us.  He hugged everyone over and over.  He is very lonely out there.  The kids were doing everything to preoccupy Mark so I could rummage through my closets and drawers.  They gave him his Christmas presents to open.  Then they went outside to play with the dogs.

      I am pretty sure I got most of the pictures.  I also got my computer - which by the way was still in one piece.  Seeing my computer still intact was the first time I was ever happy about him lying to me.  It was very tense, but in the end Mark stayed relatively calm.  Well, he was calm until he found out I had sent Paulee home.  Then the manic behavior started.  I was able to calm him down somewhat.  Chris also invited Mark to our New Years Eve dinner.  That made Mark happy.  I told him that he would not be receiving taxi service from me if he came.  He said, "Understood."

      Chris packed the bird cage into the Jeep.  We went to say goodbye to Mark.  He was hitting golf balls in the side yard.  I could tell he was not happy about us leaving, but we had already been there for about an hour and a half and we all wanted to get out of there.

      A couple of hours later after we got home I received an email with this picture attached:

      Yes.  You are reading that correctly.  Mark ran up to Publix and charged $408 on crab legs for our New Years dinner. When he called later, I almost said, "Are you INSANE?"  After about all of two seconds I realized that wasn't a good idea.  

      I cannot stop him from spending and charging things.  When Mark called he told me to calm down.  He said money isn't a problem!  He explained that he had received an email from the Caymans!  They had found some long lost money ($50 K) that belonged to his father that passed away!  I said, "Mark, you are joking right?  That is a VERY old scam!"  He wasn't joking.  I couldn't convince him differently.  I gave up for the night and will try again tomorrow.

      The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, thank God.

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