Saturday, December 15, 2012

21. A Not So Happy Saturday Evening (Part 2)

Saturday Evening, December 15, 2012

As I previously stated, I have made the conscience decision not to talk to Mark until he goes back to the psychiatrist.  I kept my phone off all day today.  If you read about earlier today then you know I had a wonderful, calm, sweet day with my kids.

I went to write in my blog tonight.  I also pulled up Facebook to chat with Dixie and Wade.  I saw I had a ton of messages from Mark: 

I saw these posts and knew there was going to be problems. It was evident that he did not think he did one thing wrong on Thursday night.  Then he sent me more messages:

  • Mark Walter

    wanna say something to your dad and paula? calling them
    • Mark Walter

      got Cheryl on chat, want me to say something to her in your behalf?
      appears your post is pfffffttttt FINALLY 
      can't wait to see Chris Kristin Matty Pig Muffin and Baily tomorrow 

    Under any other circumstances (like someone who is sane) I wouldn't have been upset about the last post.  I just never know if he means what he is saying.

    The messages continued for a little over an hour:

    I did not respond to any of these as you can see.  This upset him greatly.  Mark "Reported me to Facebook for trying to Friend people I didn't know."  This is rather funny, since he has sent over 50+ of his Friends to me as "suggestions" to friend.  I have declined them all.  Yet, I received a warning from Facebook when I logged in.

    Then,  Kristin called me in the other room and told me "daddy messaged me."  She showed me the forwarded email. He also reported me for "Bullying."  I had shared this post from another forum. The post below is what he reported me for.  It clearly is a joke.  Yet, used it to harass me:

    Next, Mark started posting on my wall.  After the election was over I had opened up my wall for anyone of my friends to be able to post on my page.  Mark took advantage of that.  The first post he made on my wall he actually "paid to sponsor."  This means he spent $7 dollars to keep the post at the top of my page:

    Freddy is his middle brother Bruce's best friend.  He lives in Delaware.  If you read what he wrote none of it makes sense.  First he talks about Freddy.  Next he accuses me (again) of trying to friend his Facebook friends (which I have never done).  Last he makes a statement about me and also our employee Pat that is completely false.  Remember, he PAID to keep this at the top of my page.

    He posted many more things on my page.  I was able to catch a few.  He would delete them about a half hour to an hour later.

    Mark loves Al and believes in Global Warming.

    Here he is freaking out because I deleted his post he paid for.  He added a few choice things he thought would "freak out" my friends:

    I asked Dixie and Wade in chat what to do.  They said to change my permissions so "No One" can post on my wall.  I did that.  Unfortunately, that doesn't prevent someone from 'responding to a post.'

    I hid this post.  It makes you realize that no 'sane' person can do these things and act this way then expect you will come back to them no questions asked?  Trust me.  He really thinks this.  He is scared and lonely and all alone.  He is also posting sad posts:

    Tomorrow I am going to send him a message and tell him to get help or we are done, period.

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